New Year's Resolution Ideas for Self Care

Every year, millions of people sit down to write their New Year’s resolutions or intentions. Whether or not they keep those resolutions is up to them, but no matter what, we feel that it’s important to take some time to sit down and physically write out how you want to better yourself in the new year.

While our resolutions pretty much stayed the same from last year (continue working out, try new recipes, eat healthier, and attempt to stay stress-free), we added one new resolution that can encompass many things: self love and care. Read below to discover ideas to make self care and love more of a priority in 2019.


Take Care of Yourself

People spend so much time worrying about how others are feeling that they often forget to take care of themselves. If you treat yourself as well as you treat others, you’ll be one step closer to a better year ahead. Speak kindly to yourself, reward yourself for accomplishments (however small), and make sure you focus on your mental and physical health.

Say No

It’s okay to say no! If you don’t want to do something because you’d rather stay home and catch up on work (or even the latest episode of The Bachelor), that’s okay. We love that JOMO (joy of missing out) is the new FOMO (fear of missing out) because sometimes it’s more important to relax on the sofa with your pets than force yourself to put on makeup to go out for a random night on the town.

Pamper Yourself

Sometimes all you need to lift your spirits after a rough day is a nice warm shower or bath, a new face mask, or another glass of wine. And if you don’t have one already, a skincare routine for morning and night can help you feel grounded and feel your best. Extra points: get a massage for no reason at all, head to the nail salon for a mani/pedi, or get your hair done at Drybar even if you don’t have an event to attend.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

There’s nothing we love more than a great night of sleep. Eight hours is the recommended amount of sleep for most people, so if you’re not getting this daily, try to alter your schedule to get to bed earlier. Put away your screens, do a meditation before bed, and take a moment to be grateful for what you have to ensure you have a peaceful night of sleep with no tossing and turning, work dreams, or restlessness.

Write Down Goals & Intentions

It doesn’t have to be January 1st to set your goals and intentions for the new year. With each week, month, and season comes different life challenges and opportunities, so take just a few minutes to write down – on paper! – what you want to accomplish and how you plan to do it. We guarantee you’ll start to see results if you turn your thoughts into words & your words into actions.

Nourish Your Body

We love carbs, cheese, beer & wine, so we’re definitely not suggesting you stop eating and drinking what you love, but nourishing your body with food and drinks that are actually good for you is important. Add some healthy recipes to your lunch & dinner routine, drink green tea, juice, or kombucha, and make having sweets a treat instead of a daily trend – unless you really want it, then we say go for it because life’s too short to not have what you love.

All of these New Year’s resolutions for self care seem simple, but they’re important and undervalued. If you’re already doing them on a daily basis, congratulations! But if you’re like us and forget to take care of yourself and instead focus too much on work, life, and what’s coming next, set the intention to start taking better care of yourself on the most basic level. We promise you’ll find comfort and be happier, more thankful, and endlessly fulfilled.

Did you make New Year’s resolutions this year? Let us know what they are are in the comments!